Publications de Jan Carson
The Fire Starters. Doubleday, 2019. Prix de littérature de l’Union européenne en 2019. Roman traduit en français, italien, espagnol, arabe, turc, croate et albanais, bulgare, serbe et macédonien. Actuellement en cours d’adaptation télévisée pour la BBC. [traduction française par Dominique Goy-Blanquet, Les Lanceurs de feu, éditions Sabine Wespieser, 2021.]
Malcolm Orange Disappears. Liberties Press, 2014.
The Raptures. Doubleday, 2022. [traduction française par Dominique Goy-Blanquet, Les Ravissements, éditions Sabine Wespieser, 2023.]
Recueils de microfiction
Postcard Stories. The Emma Press, 2017.
Postcard Stories 2. The Emma Press, 2020.
Recueils de nouvelles
Childrens’ Children. Liberties Press, 2016.
The Last Resort. Doubleday, 2021.
Quickly, While They Still Have Horses. Transworld Publishing Ltd/Doubleday, 2024. [traduction française par Dominique Goy-Blanquet, Le fantôme de la banquette arrière, éditions Sabine Wespieser, 2024.]
‘After the Fall.’ Spontaneity vol. 1, 2013.
‘Agnes.’ Splonk, vol. 3, juin 2020.
‘Alternative Units.’ Banshee, vol. 2, printemps/été 2016.
‘Amusements.’ Reading the Future: New Writing from Ireland. Ed. Alan Hayes, Arlen House, 2018.
‘The British Museum of Forgotten British Things.’ The Bohemyth, juin 2013.
‘A Certain Degree of Responsibility.’ Eleven Stories: The Desperate Literature Short Fiction Prize Shortlist Selection 2021. Ed. Trevor Crave, Desperate Literature, 2021.
‘Children’s Children.’ The Art of the Glimpse: 100 Irish Short Stories. Ed. Sinéad Gleeson, Apollo, 2020.
‘Children’s Children.’ The Curfew Tower is Many Things. Ed. Bill Drummond, Penkiln Burn, 2015.
‘Contemporary Uses for a Belfast Boxroom III.’ The Honest Ulster Man, vol. 3, Juillet 2014.
‘East.’ The Incubator, vol. 1, juin 2014, pp. 72-78.
‘Egg.’ Female Lines: New Writing by Women from Northern Ireland. Ed. Linda Anderson et Sharatt-Bado, New Island Press, 2017.
‘Filters.’ Belfast Stories. Ed. Paul McVeigh et Lisa Frank, Doire Press, 2019.
‘Florence, Oregon.’ Channel, vol. 1, automne 2019.
‘The Future.’ Best Indie Lit New England. Vol. 2 (2012-2014), éds. Cynthia Brackett-Vincent et al., Black Key Press, 2015.
‘Gold Pen.’ The Open Ear, vol. 2, été 2012.
‘The Good Postman.’ The Luminary, vol. 4, automne 2014.
‘Halloween in the Nursing Home.’ The Cormorant Anthology. Eds. Louise Kennedy, Eoin McNamee et Una Mannion, Tread Softly, 2021.
‘How to Be Selfish.’ Southword, vol. 30, juillet/août 2016.
‘In the Car with the Rain Coming Down.’ The BBC National Short Story Award 2020 Anthology. Ed. Jonathan Freedland, Comma Press, 2020.
‘Inside the Department of Actually Getting Things Done.’ The Penny Dreadful, vol. 7, 2016.
‘The Leaving Place.’ The Black Dreams: New Strange Stories from Northern Ireland. Ed. Reggie Chamberlain-King, Blackstaff Press, 2021.
‘Less Than or Equal to.’ Banshee, vol. 2, printemps/été 2016.
‘More of a Handstand Girl.’ Storm Cellar, vol. 3.2, printemps 2014.
‘Mr Iceberg.’ Empty House: Poetry and Prose on the Climate Crisis. Ed. Alice Kinsella et Nessa O’Mahony, Doire Press, 2021.
‘One in One Hundred Thousand.’ The Irish Times, septembre 2015.
‘Pillars.’ Being Various: New Irish Short Stories. Ed. Lucy Caldwell, Faber and Faber, 2019.
‘Postcard Stories.’ The Tangerine, vol. 1, hiver 2016.
‘Quickly, While They Still Have Horses.’ The Stinging Fly, vol. 2.41, hiver 2019-20.
‘Settling.’ The Glass Shore: Short Stories by Women Writers from the North of Ireland. Ed. Sinéad Gleeson, New Island Books, 2016.
‘Soup.’ Spontaneity, vol. 13, 2019.
‘Table Manners.’ Extra Teeth, vol. 2, août 2020.
‘This is the Normal Now.’ Her Other Language: Northern Irish Women Writers Address Domestic Violence and Abuse. Ed. Ruth Carr et Natasha Cuddington, Arlen House, 2020.
‘Troubling the Water.’ Old Land New Waters. Ed. Edward Ball, Freelands Foundation, 2021.
‘A Very Small War.’ The Open Ear, vol. 3, été 2013.
‘When Things Were Over People Forgot.’ Tender, vol. 1, été 2013.
‘The World Ending in Fire.’ Still Worlds Turning. Ed. Emma Warnock, No Alibis Press, 2019.
Lues ou adaptées pour la radio
Carson, Jan. ‘Book Week NI – Jan Carson.’ Libraries NI, YouTube, 21 octobre 2021.
—. ”’The Fire Starters“, read by Jan Carson.’ Solas Nua, YouTube, 17 mars 2020.
—. ‘Jan Carson.’ Strand Arts Centre, YouTube, 22 mai 2020.
—. ‘Jan Carson reads from her new story “Family Circle.”’ The Writing Life Podcast, Live Writers, 18 janvier 2017.
—. ‘Postcard Stories with Jan Carson.’ BookTrust, YouTube, 14 avril 2020.
Gallagher, Roisin. ‘Egg.’ BBC Radio 4, mars 2017.
Martin, Andy. ‘The House that Vanished.’ BBC Radio 4, juillet 2021.
Neeson, Liam. ‘Unraveling.’ BBC Radio 3, juin 2017.
O’Neill, Tara Lynne. ‘Beans.’ BBC Radio 4, août 2018.
‘The Last Resort.’ Histoire écrite par Jan Carson. 10 épisodes. BBC Radio 4, 2021.
Adaptées pour la télévision
Irish Art Centre and Lyric Theatre. ‘In the Pause Between Now and Next, by Jan Carson.’ Clip, 13’39’’, YouTube, 1 nov. 2023.
‘Wings |The Break.’ BBC 3, YouTube, 9 septembre 2019.
'Agatha Christie: A Very Elusive Woman — brilliant, beautifully written, neither polemic nor panegyric.' The Irish Times, 21 septembre 2022.
‘Being both – a very personal revolution.’ PEN Transmissions, 15 avril 2019.
‘Britpop, bible camp, Ian Paisley and me.’ Big Issue, 27 juillet 2022.
‘Call me selfish but I’ve given my spare room over to books instead of a place to stay for friends.’ The Irish Times, 14 sept. 2023.
'How to run a literary festival." The Irish Times, 19 juillet 2022.
‘I can be British and also immensely proud to be counted as an Irish writer.’ The Irish Times, 8 juin 2019.
‘Ideas Come to Me Like Birds.’ Kaleidoscope, 16 novembre 2018.
‘Incorrigibly plural: How to engage with the future of Northern Ireland.’ Times Literary Supplement, 6076, 13 septembre 2019.
‘Introduction.’ The Open Ear, vol. 5, automne 2016.
‘Irish literature is having a resurgence – and women are at the forefront.’ Stylist.co.uk, 2020.
‘It’s hard to aspire to something you cannot see.’ The Irish Times, 21 mai 2024.
‘I write fiction, it’s not real but perhaps it’s a version of reality.’ Belfast Telegraph, 7 janvier 2022.
'Jan Carson on Capturing the Failures of Northern Ireland in Fiction.’ Literary Hub, 10 juil. 2024.
‘Letters from just about everywhere but Iceland.’ The Tangerine, vol. 1, hiver 2016.
‘Losing memory is like misplacing the rule book’ – Jan Carson, novelist. Voices Magazine, 9 mai 2018, British Council.
‘Minor travel disasters and me: Ask me about how I discovered Germany had two Freiburgs.’ The Irish Times, 1 juin 2024.
‘La paix en Irlande du Nord est d’une fragilité presque insupportable.’ Le Monde, 23 mai 2021.
‘The Voice is a Leaky Vessel.’ Little Atoms, hiver 2020.
‘What I Wish People Knew About Dementia: An engaging and hopeful read.’ The Irish Times, 25 janvier 2022.
‘Close Living.’ Freckle, vol. 8, été 2019.
‘No Dancing.’ Winter Papers. Vol. 4, éds. Kevin Barry et Olivia Smith, Curlew Editions, 2018.
'Lapsed." Essays: Impermanence, dir. Neil Hegarty et Nora M’Sichili, No Alibis Press, 2022, pp. 57-71.
Dementia Fiction – A Queen’s University Blog. En collaboration avec les Dr. Jane Lugea, Dr. Gemma Carney, Dr. Paula Devine et Dr. Caroline Fernandez-Quintanilla.
Jan Carson. Blog officiel de l’auteur.
Direction de collection
Carson, Jan et Jane Lugea, dir. A Little Unsteadily into the Light - New Dementia-Inspired Fiction. New Island Books, 2022.
Sur Jan Carson et son oeuvre littéraire
Revues académiques
del Rio, Maria Amor Barros. ‘"When writing, I see myself as a drone". An Interview with Jan Carson.’ Estudios Irlandeses, vol. 18, 2023, pp. 197-202.
Bell, Gail. ‘The postcard woman returns: Jan Carson on writing fiction in coronavirus era.’ The Irish News, 29 avril 2020.
Chaudey, Marie. ‘À Belfast, la romancière Jan Carson jette des ponts grâce aux mots et à la littérature.’ La Vie, 3 janvier 2022.
De Burca, Jackie. ‘Exploring East Belfast with author Jan Carson.’ Travel Inspires, 2020.
De Burca, Jackie. ‘From Belfast to Portland Oregon with author Jan Carson.’ Travel Inspires, 2019.
Donnelly, Niamh. ‘Jan Carson, novelist, interview: “If I’d been chucked off the deep end right at the start, I’d be terrified”.’ Business Post, 23 janvier 2022.
Feenane, Trudy. 'Walk the Line with Jan Carson: "When I first started writing, there was a feeling that all the stories about the North were already told".’ Business Post, 13 novembre 2024.
Fitzpatrick, Richard. 'Culture That Made Me: Author Jan Carson on Dylan, Zone of Interest, and the Bible.' The Irish Examiner, 23 septembre 2024.
Fox, Caoimhe, ‘Interview with Jan Carson.’ Books Ireland, juillet-août 2019.
Henry, Lee. ‘Author Jan Carson’s life has been full of novel twists.’ Belfast Telegraph, 21 juin 2017.
Knowles, Madeleine Nathanael. ‘The Raptures: Q and A with the author, Jan Carson.’ NB Magazine, 20 décembre 2021.
McCaun, Eoin, 'Jan Carson: Having passport checked on road to Dublin was ‘upsetting’ experience.' The Belfast Telegraph, 25 août 2024.
McClements, Freya, and Mary Minihan. ‘Jan Carson – “I cried when I got my Irish passport.’ The Irish Times, 28 février 2022.
McCornick, Brenda. Jan Carson: ‘I don’t want to be a writer, I want to write.’ Business Post, 9 janvier 2022.
McKee, Ruth. ‘Jan Carson interview: girl from the north country.’ The Irish Times, 21 septembre 2021.
Meyrick, Sarah. ‘Interview with Jan Carson: Magic from a Protestant childhood.’ The Church Times, 21 juil. 2023.
Niño, Victoria M. ‘Jan Carson: «Los jóvenes norirlandeses han heredado las consecuencias del pasado violento de su país».’ El Norte de Castilla, 3 juin 2022.
Quinn, Ben, Rory Carroll, et Lisa O’Carroll. ‘”I’m proud to be from Norther Ireland”: reflections on a contested centenary.’ The Guardian, 2 mai 2021.
Smither, Tanis. ‘Jan Carson: “It doesn’t surprise me that I’m a magic realist [writer], because that’s what I cut my teeth on”.’ Hot Press, 4 mai 2021.
Watson, Audrey. ‘Author Jan Carson: ‘The essence of a story is always people”.’ Belfast Telegraph, 3 avril 2021.
Vidéos et podcasts
‘Another Northern Ireland.’ The Essay, 6 décembre 2021.
La Bibliothèque anthropocène / Entretiens anthropocènes. ‘Jan Carson : Irlande du Nord, un territoire en lutte.’ Interview de Juliette Michel, 20’22, YouTube, 27 mai 2024.
'Episode Five: Jan Carson.’ The Books That Made Me, 4 juillet 2019.
‘Episode Fourteen: Interview with Jan Carson.’ Plath & Co Podcast, 8 mars 2021.
‘Jan Carson in conversation with Connie Voisine – Dublin Book Festival at Solas Nua.’ Solas Nua, YouTube, 14 septembre 2021.
‘Jan Carson in conversation with Katharina Rennhak.’ The Irish Itinerary Podcast, 16 juin 2021.
‘Jan Carson: Magic Realism, Women’s Voices & Politics in the North.’ The Women’s Podcast, 25 avril 2019.
‘Jan Carson on having multiple identities, holding on to faith and life in Northern Ireland after Brexit.’ Borderlines, 28 février 2022.
‘Jan Carson on Seeing Van Gogh’s Sunflowers,’ clip, 5’, RTE Radio 1, 23 juin 2024.
‘Jan Carson – RTÉ Choice Music Prize – Andy Warhol – Every Brilliant Thing.’ Arena Podcast, 5 janvier 2022.
‘Kevin Barry and Jan Carson.’ YouTube, Cúirt Festival, 26 avril 2020.
The Last Pearl. ‘Jan Carson - there will be no silence.’ Clip, 53’, RTE Radio 1, 16 avr. 2024.
Little Atoms 569. 'Jan Carson’s The Fire Starters.’ Acast, 29 mars 2019.
‘Northern Bibliosphere interview with Northern Irish author Jan Carson on her latest novel The Raptures at Ullapool Book Festival 2022.’ Interview by Federica Stefani, The Inverness Courier, 13 mai 2022.
‘Northern Irish Voices: Jan Carson in conversation with Anne Flaherty.’ YouTube, Irish Cultural Centre Hammersmith, 16 mai 2021.
‘Novelist Jan Carson on how to write about Northern Ireland.’ The Five Rules Of Writing, 5 janvier 2022.
‘Wigtown Book Festival Podcast. Highlights: Michael Longley and Jan Carson.’ Podcast Addict, 9 novembre 2020.
‘With Jan Carson and Louise O’Neill.’ The Book Show, 13 novembre 2020.
‘Writer Jan Carson on her interest in North Coast caravan parks.’ The Culture Café, BBC Radio Ulster, 6 avril 2021.
Articles et chapitre de livres universitaires
Alfaro-Amayon, Hélène. 'A Conversation with Jan Carson.' Etudes irlandaises, 47.2, 2022, pp. 123-132.
Fogarty, Anne. '"Feeling Catty": Reading Animals in Short Stories by Contemporary Irish Women Writers.' The Routledge Companion to Twenty-First Century Irish Writing, 1ère édition, Routledge, 2024, 14 pp.
Magennis, Caroline. ‘”I’m just watching my wee house”: Intimacy, domesticity and faith in Jan Carson’s The Fire Starters.’ Northern Irish Writing After the Troubles: Intimacies, Affects, Pleasures, Bloomsbury, 2021, pp. 30-42.
Magennis, Caroline. Chapitre 17, ‘Northern Irish Fiction.’ The Routledge Companion to Twenty-First Century Fiction. Eds. Daniel O’Gorman et Robert Eaglestone, Routledge, 2019, pp. 190-198.
Morales-Ladrón, Marisol. 'Othering Reality: Magic Realism in Jan Carson's Malcolm Orange Disappears and The Fire Starters.' Lost, Unhappy and at Home’: The Impact of Violence on Irish Culture, Volume I : Literature, ed. by Maria Gaviña-Costero, Dina Pedro, and Dónall Mac Cathmhaoill, Re-Imagining Ireland, vol. 33, ed. by Eamon Maher, Peter Lang, 2024, pp. 229-244.
Schwall, Hedwig. ‘Belfast Languages: Parenting in Paramilitary Contexts (or Belfast: Sectarian Borders or Common Commitment?).’ Borders and Borderlands: Explorations in Identity, Exile and Translation, Durrell Studies 1, éds. Richard Pine et Vera Konidari, Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2021, pp. 130-153.
Sherratt-Bado, Dawn Miranda. ‘“Things We’d Rather Forget”: Trauma, the Troubles, and Magical Realism in Post-Agreement Northern Irish Women’s Short Stories.’ Open Library of Humanities, vol. 4.2, 2018, pp. 1-30.
Sinoimeri, Lea. ‘Theatres of Intimacy in Lucy Caldwell’s and Jan Carson’s Short Fiction.’ Études britanniques contemporaines, vol. 64, 2023.
Conférences universitaires
CEMU [Centre d'Enseignement Multimédia Universitaire, Université de Caen-Normandie]. ERIBIA 22-23 | Jan CARSON | Jan Carson's novels and short stories. 2 février 2023, Partie 1 [Vidéo], Canal-U ; Partie 2 [Vidéo], Canal-U.
Fernández Vicente, Olga. ‘Appropriating Magic Realism to Counter the Legacy of Violence: Jan Carson’s The Fire Starters.’ 6ème conférence internationale sur le Mythe dans les arts, UPV/EHU (Université du Pays Basque), 17’49’’, YouTube, 17 déc. 2023.
Ainsworth, Paul. 'Co Antrim author Jan Carson speaks on feeling ‘Irish’ following unionist childhood.' The Irish News, 25 août 2024.
Albertus, Ramón. 'Jan Carson: "El conflicto en Irlanda del Norte ha dejado como legado un grave problema de salud mental".' El Correro, 7 novembre 2024.
'Author Jan Carson's life has been full of novel twists.' Belfast Telegraph, 21 juin 2017.
Barry, Aoife. ‘Author Jan Carson : ‘I’ve expected a lot of ignorance.’ The Times, 31 mars 2024.
Creamer, Ella. ‘Royal Society of Literature aims to broaden representation as it announces 62 new fellows.’ The Guardian, 12 juillet 2023.
Daly, Brendan, ‘Book review: Poking fun at Northern Ireland’s preoccupation with symbols and identity.’ Irish Examiner, 22 juin 2024.
Dickie, Douglas. ‘Northern Irish author bringing Ulster Scots to the masses after being inspired by Derry Girls.’ Scottish Daily Express, 28 décembre 2023.
Donnelly, Niamh. ‘Meet the women powering a new wave of Northern Irish writing.’ The Independent, 15 janvier 2022.
‘Jan Carson’s Year of Focused Reading : A Voyage Around Toni Morrison and Kurt Vonnegut.’ The Irish Times, 25 janvier 2023.
Landrot, Marina, ‘Jan Carson, invitée du festival Étonnants Voyageurs : “L’infirmité émotionnelle des hommes m’intéresse.”’ Télérama, 26 mai 2023.
Magennis, Caroline. ‘Fiction by Northern Irish women is booming – leading the way against misogyny.’ The Conversation, 6 fév. 2017.
McCambridge, Jonathan. ‘Artists receive grants to create projects showcasing work for new audiences.’ The Independent, 31 octobre 2023.
McCambridge, Jonathan. Northern Ireland author aiming to bring Ulster-Scots to international audience.’ The Irish News, 28 décembre 2023.
‘North stars: 'The vitality of Northern Irish writing has always coincided with political upheaval.’ The Irish Times, 10 février 2024.
‘Northern Ireland author aiming to bring Ulster-Scots to international audience.’ Derry Now, 28 décembre 2023.
O’Doherty, Malachi. ‘Belfast's authors navigate a complex terrain.’ The Irish Post, 29 juin 2023.
O’Shea, Rick. ‘Jan Carson tells Rick O’Shea her favourite reads, including a macabre tale that made her ‘laugh so hard’.’ Irish Independent, 2 août 2024.
‘Queen’s Researchers Trial Innovative Method to Enhance Understanding of Dementia Care.’ India Education Diary, 4 mai 2024.
Sur le roman Malcolm Orange Disappears (2014)
Chaudey, Marie. 'À Belfast, la romancière Jan Carson jette des ponts grâce aux mots et à la littérature.' La Vie, 3 janvier 2022.
Housham, Jane. ‘Malcolm Orange Disappears by Jan Carson – review.’ The Guardian, 25 juillet 2014.
McAlinden, Orla. ‘Malcolm Orange Disappears by Jan Carson.’ writing.ie, 22 janvier 2015.
Sur le recueil de nouvelles Children’s Children (2016)
Gilmartin, Sarah. ‘Children’s Children by Jan Carson review: sharply written and inventive.’ The Irish Times, 12 mars 2016.
McAlinden, Orla. ‘Children’s Children by Jan Carson.’ writing.ie, 18 mars 2016.
Rahill, Elske. ‘Children’s Children by Jan Carson, Reviewed.’ Dublin InQuirer, 23 mars 2016.
Watson, Richard T. ‘Children’s Children by Jan Carson.’ Sabotage Reviews, 29 mai 2016.
Sur les collections de microfiction Postcard Stories (2017 et 2020)
Bell, Gay. ‘Jan Carson compiles year-long postcard challenge into new book, Postcard Stories.’ Irish News, 25 mai 2017.
Henry, Lee. ‘Author Jan Carson’s life has been full of novel twists.’ Belfast Telegraph, 21 juin 2017.
Maguire, Liz. ‘Postcards 2: Jan Carson’s second collection of Micro-fiction.’ Books Ireland, n.d.
Sur le roman The Fire Starters (2019)
Bentancor, Martín. ‘Ciudad en llamas: sobre Los incendiarios, de la norirlandesa Jan Carson.’ La Diara Cultura, 12 février 2021.
Bocchino, Miriam. ‘“L’Incendiario” di Jan Carson: recensione del romanzo.’ Different Magazine, 2021.
Borghesi, Donatella. ‘Ora tocca alle scrittrici confrontarsi con la figura paterna in crisi.’ Il Foglio, 9 octobre 2023.
Carrey, Anna. ‘There was a feeling in the unionist community that it was they who made most of the sacrifices: Jan Carson on identity, Northern Ireland and her new novel, The Fire Starters.’ The Irish Times, 6 avril 2019.
‘Le club de lecture : Le roman Les lanceurs de feu de Jan Carson.’ [podcast, 17 min], Plus on est de fous plus on lit, OhDio, Radio Canada, 22 novembre 2021.
De Sepausy, Victor. ‘Les lanceurs de feu, de Jan Carson : au coeur de la violence.’ Actualitté, 26 août 2021.
Dervitsiotis, Feya. ‘Les Lanceurs de feu de Jan Carson.’ Le Matricule des anges, n°226, septembre 2021.
Doyle, Martin. ‘Jan Carson wins EU Prize for Literature Ireland 2019 for The Firestarters.’ The Irish Times, 22 mai 2019.
Etienne, Marie. 'Le conte du chaos.' En attendant Nadeau - journal de la littérature, des idées et des arts, 20 octobre 2021.
Gilligan, Ruth. ‘A siren’s song amid the panic and flames.’ The Independent, 30 mars 2019.
Gilmartin, Sarah. ‘The Fire Starters review: A blazing tale in east Belfast.’ The Irish Times, 6 avril 2019.
Henry, Lee. ‘Jan Carson, keeper of the flames.’ The Times, 31 mars 2019.
Jiménez, Raül. ‘Los incendiarios, Jan Carson (Hoja de Lata, 2020).’ Indienauta, 17 septembre 2020.
Kilroy, Claire. ‘The Fire Starters by Jan Carson review – magic realism in loyalist Belfast.’ The Guardian, 29 mai 2019.
Kraus, Doris. ‘Feuer, Wut und Chaos in Belfast.’ Die Presse, 9 juillet 2023.
Landrot, Marine. ‘Les Lançeurs de feu – Jan Carson.’ Télérama, 15 septembre 2021.
McConville, Mark. 'Belfast writer Jan Carson’s hot new novel earns her major literary prize.' Belfast Telegraph, 23 mai 2019.
McGoran, Peter. ‘Jan Carson: on bonfires, Brexit, magic realism and The Fire Starters.’ Hot Press, 16 mai 2019.
Müller, Karl-Joseph, ‘Es brennt in Belfast – Jan Carsons Roman „Firestarter“ scheitert an der (nord)irischen Geschichte’, literaturkritik.de, n°5, mai 2023.
Neville, Stuart. ‘Top 10 Northern Irish novels.’ The Guardian 30 mars 2022.
Noiville, Florence. ‘Les Lanceurs de feu, de Jan Carson : de part et d’autre du brasier nord-irlandais.’ Le Monde, 8 octobre 2021.
Paredes, Israel. ‘Fuego, agua, sirenas y conflicto norirlandés.’ Revista de letras, 24 juillet 2020.
Pato, Ignacio. ‘Irlanda del Norte, masculinidad tóxica y clase social, según Jan Carson.’ La Marea, 16 juillet 2020.
Peronnet, Cécile. ‘Les lanceurs de feu – Jan Carson – critique du livre.’ aVoir-aLire, 28 septembre 2021.
Peveroni, Gabriel. ‘El fuego mágico de Belfast: con Jan Carson.’ La diaria cultura, 12 février 2021.
Remacle, Anne-Lise. ‘[le livre de la semaine] Les Lanceurs de feu, de Jan Carson: filiations incandescentes.’ Focus Vif, 12 novembre 2021.
Rodríguez, Jose Durán. “‘The Troubles’ en el Ulster: una guerra que también se lee.” El Salto, 26 novembre 2020.
Rotaeche, Alaia. ‘Jan Carson: «Quise explorar el legado del Conflicto heredado por las nuevas generaciones».’ La Linea de Fuego, 30 septembre 2020.
Roussel, Frédérique. ‘Jan Carson : « Utiliser le réalisme magique dans le contexte de l’Irlande du Nord ».’ Libération, 22 octobre 2021.
‘Sirenas, exparamilitares y niños voladores en el Belfast unionista: esto es ‘Los incendiarios’ de Jan Carson.’ Apuntes de Clase, 11 juin 2020.
Thöne, Eva. 'Gestörte Stadt. Gestörte Menschen.' Spiegel, 27 février 2023.
Wright, Bert. ‘Review: The Fire Starters by Jan Carson – A bold, poetic novel tackles sectarianism and toxic masculinity in a surreal Belfast.’ The Times, 14 avril 2019.
Sur le roman The Last Resort (2021)
Blackadder, Dessie. ‘The Last Resort – Ballymena author’s ten tales from life in a caravan park.’ Ballymena Guardian, 24 mars 2021.
‘Browser: Jan Carson’s caravan of intriguing characters.’ The Irish Times, 8 mai 2021.
McCullough, Jenny. ‘Last Resort, Next Century: Jan Carson Talks Books, Influence and Inspiration in Writing from NI.’ Northern Slant, 20 mai 2021.
Smither, Tamis. ‘Jan Carson: “It doesn’t surprise me that I’m a magic realist [writer], because that’s what I cut my teeth on”.’ Hot Press, 4 mai 2021.
Sur le roman The Raptures (2022)
Brown Cathy. ‘Jan Carson – The Raptures – Review.’ Dig With It, vol. 7, 28 janvier 2022.
Carty, Pat. ‘She Gives Me Religion: Jan Carson on The Raptures.’ Hot Press, 29 avril 2022.
Costantini, Valentine. 'Les Ravissements au coeur de l'été.' ActuaLitté, 13 février 2023.
Chilton, Martin. ‘Books of the month: From The Raptures to How High We Go In The Dark.’ The Independent, 3 janvier 2022.
Fasseur, Barbara. 'Les Ravissements, ou le "réalisme magique" de Jan Carson.' ActuaLitté, 19 novembre 2022.
Favro, Laëtitia. 'Jan Carson, "Les ravissements" (Sabine Wespieser) : L'été meurtrier.' LivresHebdo, 4 janvier 2023.
---. 'Mercy Street, Les Ravissements... Les choix de la librairie Pantagruel à Marseille.' Le Journal du Dimanche, 18 janvier 2023.
Goring, Rosemary. ‘The Raptures by Jan Carson, reviewed by Rosemary Goring.’ The Herald, 10 janvier 2022.
Keyes, Marian. ‘The Raptures by Jan Carson: Marian Keyes on a brilliant Northern Irish tale.’ The Irish Times, 9 janvier 2022.
Landrot, Marine. 'Les Ravissements.' Télérama, 6 février 2023.
Landrot, Marine, et Nathalie Crom. ‘Nos vingt meilleurs romans et récits de 2023.’ Télérama, 7 décembre 2023.
Madeleine. ‘The Raptures: Q and A with the author, Jan Carson.’ NB Magazine, 20 décembre 2021.
Marin, Matthieu. ‘Épidémie en Irlande, racisme, roman graphique : les coups de cœur livres de la rédaction.’ Ouest France, 27 mai 2023.
McKeever, Susan. ‘A beating heart at its core – The Raptures, by Jan Carson.’ Books Ireland, 11 février 2022.
McKeown, Naomi. ‘An empathetic view of Northern Irish life: Trespasses and The Raptures.’ Varsity, 3 mai 2022.
McLaughlin-Arias, Chris. 'BOOKS: Realism clashes with supernatural in delve into Protestant experience.' Belfast Media, 14 Aug. 2023.
Micheletti, Ella. '"Les ravissements" de Jan Carson : quand un mal mystérieux décime des enfants.' Marianne, 15 février 2023.
Nestor, Jo. ‘The Raptures by Jan Carson.’ writing.ie, 10 June 2022.
Osborne, Susan. ‘The Raptures by Jan Carson: “You people can’t see anything but yourselves.”’ A Life in Books, 5 janvier 2022.
Pierce, Barry. ‘The Raptures by Jan Carson review — mysterious lives lost: An original and exciting work that’s equal parts terrifying, hilarious and memorable.’ The Times, 8 janvier 2022.
‘The Raptures: A smart, warm and witty portrayal of parochial hysteria.’ Independent.ie, 8 janvier 2022.
Roussel, Frédérique. 'Les Ravissements, village de damnés.' Libération, 24 février 2023.
Segnit, Nat. ‘Viral overload – the problem with illness as metaphor.’ Times Literary Supplement, 18 février 2022.
Self, John. ‘Writing about the world of your childhood is the hardest thing to do.’ The Irish Times, 8 janvier 2022.
Simon, Geneviève. 'Une classe d’enfants décimée par un mal mystérieux.' La Libre, 15 mars 2023.
Smart, James. ‘The Raptures by Jan Carson review – visions in a Northern Irish village.’ The Guardian, 8 janvier 2022
Sur la collection A Little Unsteadily into the Light (2022)
Brennan, Marjorie. 'Jan Carson: When stories about dementia can also be an enjoyable read.' Irish Examiner, 4 octobre 2022.
Carbery, Justine. ‘Dementia anthology is at once profound, poignant and hilarious.’ independent.ie, 11 septembre 2022.
Harris, Arlene. ‘"I hoped to create a more nuanced and varied depiction of what it is like to live with dementia."' Belfast Telegraph, 6 septembre 2022.
Healey, Emma. 'A Little Unsteadily Into Light: Dementia stories that can serve a social purpose.' independent.ie, 28 septembre 2022.
'Jan Carson on her new anthology of dementia-inspired fiction.' RTE.ie, 6 septembre 2022.
Ní Dhuibhne, Éilis. 'A Little Unsteadily Into the Light: Writers address dementia.' The Irish Times, 24 septembre 2022.
Sur la collection Quickly, While They Still Have Horses / Le fantôme de la banquette arrière (2024)
Birdy, Estelle. ‘Jan Carson’s short-story collection is superb.’ Irish Independent, 7 avril 2024.
Carty, Pat. ‘Book Review: Jan Carson’s latest short story collection is a sparkling joy.’ Business Post, 19 avril 2024.
Chaudey, Marie. 'Tous accors à Belfast.' La Vie, 10 décembre 2024.
Landrot, Marine. 'Le fantôme de la banquette arrière, les nouvelles drôles et imprévisibles de Jan Carson.' Télérama, 19 septembre 2024.
O’Regan, Nadine. ‘Quickly, While They Still Have Horses: Jan Carson delivers a compelling collection.’ The Irish Times, 6 avril 2024.
Patterson, James. ‘Book Of The Week: Quickly, While They Still Have Horses by Jan Carson.’ RTÉ, 17 avril 2024.
Roussel, Frédérique. 'Le Fantôme de la banquette arrière de Jan Carson, Ulster cruel.' Libération, 1 novembre 2024.
Simon, Geneviève. 'Trouver une main sanglante dans son frigo, converser avec un mort: Jan Carson élargit la réalité.' La Libre, 2 janvier 2024.
Taylor, Philip. ‘16 new short stories to savour from pen of Ballymena author.’ Ballymena Guardian, 17 avril 2024.
Podcasts et vidéos
Bibliothèque Anthropocène. 'Jan Carson : Irlande du nord, un territoire en lutte.' Radio Anthropocène, 12 mai 2023, présentation de Juliette Michel.
'Côté lecture : Les Ravissements de Jan Carson.' France Bleu, 9 février 2023, présentation de Philippe Verron.
'Ecole : la remontada irlandaise.' Nous, les Européens, n°4, France TV, octobre 2022, présentation Eléonore Gay.
International Literary Festival Dublin podcast. 'Unseen Belfast : Jan Carson and David Keenan.' 2019, https://soundcloud.com/ilfdublin/unseen-belfast-jan-carson-david-keenan-ilfdublin-podcast
‘Jan Carson.’ Clip, 23 min, RTE Radio 1, 16 avril 2024.
Leddet, Caroline. ‘Jan Carson, Les Lanceurs de feu.’ Podcast, 2 min, RCF Radio, 6 oct. 2021.
Museum of Literature Ireland. ‘Writer Presents #6: Jan Carson: What Words Had Once Been.’ Podcast, 26’ 35’’, Radio MoLi, 31 janvier 2024.
Papierstau Podcast. Folge 244 : Make Literatur sexy again. [Commentaire sur The Firestarters entre 12:20 et 14:30]
‘The Raptures: Sickness, superstition and the shadow of sectarian violence’, Culture Daily – France 24 English, clip, 11’55’’, 30 mai 2023.
Tellier Emmanuel. Le CCI a 20 ans. 'Episode 3 : From Dublin', avec Jan Carson, Siobhán McDonald et Glen Hansard, 5 décembre 2022.
Villanova Center for Irish Studies. ‘A New Chapter : Women Writing Northern Ireland Now.’ YouTube, 7 décembre 2023,
Bibliographie compilée par Léa Chabbert et Doriane Nemes, M1 Mondes Anglophones (Livres, Textes, Matérialités)