Publications de Mohale Mashigo
Beyond the River. Heartlines, 2017. D’après le film du même titre.
The Yearning. Picador Africa, 2016. Prix du Debut Fiction Prize de l’Université de Johannesburg en 2016. . Sélectionnée pour l’Etisalat Literature Prize de 2016. Roman traduit en arabe.
‘Floating Rugs.’ X-Prize Anthology, 2019. Traduit en italien sous le titre ‘Tappeti galleggianti’ et publié dans Futuri Uniti d’Africa – Fantascienzia contemporeana africana, Future Fiction, 2022.
‘High Heeled Killer.’ Mail & Guardian, Abafazi Supplement, août 2016.
Intruders : Short Stories. Picador Africa, 2018.
‘Mutshidzi.’ A World of Horror – An Anthology of New Dark and Speculative Fiction Stories from Authors Around the World, ed. Eric J. Guignard, Dark Moon Books, 2018.
‘Manoka.’ Uju Zine, 2017.
Overwatch 2 : Heroes Ascendant -- An Overwatch Story Collection. Par Lyndsay Ely, E. C. Myers, Corinne Duyvis, Sangu Mandanna et Mohale Mashigo, Warchief Gaming LLC, 2023.
‘Rest in Parys.’ Upshot, ed. by Lauren Beukes, 2021.
Littérature enfantine (texte)
Where is Lulu? Book Dash, 2018.
Scared Tumi. Book Dash, 2016.
BD (scénario)
Overwatch 2: Heroes Ascendant - Short Story Collection. Warchief Gaming LLC, 2024. Inclut un texte de Mohale Mashigo.
Avengers and Moon Girl #1. Marvel, août 2022. Texte de Mohale Mashigo. Dessins de Diogenes Neves.
Avengers and Moon Girl #1 - Lindsay Variant. Marvel, août 2022. Texte de Mohale Mashigo. Dessins de Diogenes Neves.
Batman Urban Legend #11. DC Comics, janvier 2022. Texte de Ram V., Mohale Mashigo, Vita Ayala et Mark Russell. Dessins de AnandRK, Arist Deyn, Nikola Cizmesija et Karl Mostert.
Batman Urban Legend #12. DC Comics, février 2022. Texte de Ram V., Mohale Mashigo, Vita Ayala et Mark Russell. Dessins de AnandRK, Arist Deyn, Nikola Cizmesija et Karl Mostert.
Batman Urban Legend #13. DC Comics, mars 2022. Texte de Ram V., Mohale Mashigo, Vita Ayala et Mark Russell. Dessins de AnandRK, Arist Deyn, Nikola Cizmesija et Karl Mostert.
Black Panther: Sins of the King. Audiobook. Marvel, Serial Box, février 2021. Texte de Ira Madison, Geoff Thorne, Tananarive Due et Mohale Mashigo. Narration: William Jackson Harper.
Kwezi (texte des volumes 7 à 13 ; dessins deLoyiso Mkize and Clyde Beech).
Marvel's Voices : Miles Morales Infinity Comic #18. Marvel, septembre 2022. Texte de Mohale Mashigo ; dessin de Julian Shaw.
Miles Morales and Moon Girl #1. Marvel, 2022. Texte de Mohale Mashigo. Dessins d'Ig Guara.
Moon Girl: Endangered Species. Marvel, octobre 2022. Texte de Mohale Mashigo.
The United States of Captain America. Marvel, 2022. Texte de
Who is Moon Girl #1 ? Marvel Infinity Comics, 2023. Texte de Mohale Mashigo ; dessin de Jethro Morales ; couleurs de Carlos Lopez.
X-Men and Moon Girl #1. Marvel, septembre 2022. Texte de Mohale Mashigo ; dessin de David Cutler.
Articles de journaux en freelance
‘No Lies.’ A Collaborative Tribute to Toni Morrison, New Frame, 12 août 2019.
Avec Kim Harrisberg. ‘Broken Healthcare System Keeps Rape Survivors Carrying Psychological And Physical Burden.’ HuffPost, 5 mars 2018.
Avec Kim Harrisberg. ‘Rape in Mwansi is a daily occurrence.’ Daily Sun, 12 décembre 2017.
‘Cape Town, with you it’s complicated.‘ Getaway, 10 décembre 2017.
Contribution à l’ouvrage Black Tax: Burden or Ubuntu, ed. Niq Mhlongo, Jonathan Ball Publishers, 2019.
‘Afrofuturism: Ayashis’ Amateki – The Intruders.’ Picador Africa, 2018.
‘Invincible Summer.’ Black Porcelain, 2013.
Sur Mohale Mashigo et son oeuvre littéraire
Demir, Danyela, et Olivier Moreillon. ‘In Conversation with Mohale Mashigo.’ Tracing the (Post) Apartheid Novel Beyond 2000 – Interviews with Selected Contemporary South African Authors, Routledge, 2023, 12 pp.
Kohler, Sophy. ‘Death knells and dead ends : Latent futurity in Masande Ntshanga’s The Reactive and Mohale Mashigo’s “Ghost Strain N”.’ Precarity in Contemporary Literature and Culture, dirs. Emily Hogg and Peter Simonsen, Bloomsbury Academic, 2021, pp. 109–123.
Latham, Monica, McKeown, Claire, et Marilyne Brun, dirs. ‘Stories for Healing’: Mohale Mashigo’s Creative Philosophy. Collection ARIEL, PUN-EDULOR, 2021.
Lavery, Charne. ‘Multispecies and Multispirited Seas – Submersion and the Gothic in Two South African Fictions.’ Gothic in the Oceanic South – Maritime, Marine and Aquatic Uncanny in Southern Waters, dir. Allison Craven et Diana Sandars, Routledge, 2023, 16 pp.
Naudé, Christiaan. ‘Therianthropic Power in Mohale Mashigo’s Speculative Short Fiction.’ The Short Story in South Africa – Contemporary Trends and Perspectives, eds. Rebecca Fasselt & Corinne Sandwith, Routledge, 2022, pp. 123-140.
Revues académiques
Birat, Kathie. “’Liminal Figures of Futurity’: Mohale Mashigo’s Use of Speculative Fiction in Intruders.“ Commonwealth Essays and Studies, vol. 43, n°2, 2021, pp. 1-13.
Fasselt, Rebecca, Corinne Lynette Sandwith et Khulukazi Soldati-Kahimbaara. ‘The Short Story in South Africa post-2000: Critical Reflections on a Genre in Transition.’ The Journal of Commonwealth Literature, septembre 2018, pp. 4-21.
Frenkel, Ronit. ‘Post-Liberation Temporalities, Utopian Afterlives and Three South African Novels by Masande Ntshanga, Mohale Mashigo and Niq Mhlongo.’ English Studies in Africa, 62, 1, 2019, pp. 70-80.
Hanchey, Jenna N. ‘Reframing the Present: Mock Aid Videos and the Foreclosure of African Epistemologies.’ Women and Language, 42, 1, automne 2019.
Lavery, C. ‘Antarctica and Africa: Narrating alternate futures.’ Polar Record, 5, 2019, 347-350.
Lods, Indiana. 'Friday Black et Intruders : lecture croisée au prisme de l’afrofuturisme.' Otrante : art et littérature fantastiques, vol. 51, éditions Kimé, 2022, pp. 111-126.
Manase, Irikidzayi. ‘Contagion, a Futurist South African Climate Crisis and a Hidden Drug Pandemic in Mohale Mashigo’s Intruders: Short Stories.’ Journal of Literary Studies, vol. 38, n°1, 2022, pp. 1-16.
Murray, Jessica. ‘“I was a Girl of my Time”: A feminist literary analysis of representations of time and gender in selected contemporary South African fiction by women.’ Literator, 38, 1, 2017, pp. 1-8.
Woods, Joanna. ‘On Contemporary Speculative Short Fiction in Southern Africa.’ Scrutiny, vol. 25, 3, 2020, pp. 36-48.
“[The JRB Daily] Mohale Mashigo receives the inaugural Philida Literary Award.” The Johannesburg Review of Books, 8 février 2020.
“Last Word – Mohale Mashigo.” Afropolitan, 23 janvier 2018.
Mavuso, Karabo. ‘Local author Mohale Mashigo on being selected for an international residency in France: “It doesn’t feel real at the moment.”’ Drum, 9 mars 2020.
Mofokeng, Phehello J. ‘Mohale Mashigo: the genre-bending work of a young gun.’ BKO – Poetry and Literature Magazine, 4 déc. 2020.
Sorge, Leo. ‘Africanjujuism: Why African fantasy rejects the Anglophone technological future.’ Focus on Africa, 16 nov. 2023.
Sur le recueil de nouvelles Intruders (2018)
Boshomane Tsotetsi, Pearl. “Mohale Mashigo discusses Intruders with Pearl Boshomane Tsotetsi.” Times Live, 10 janvier 2019.
Magdalena, Karina. Review of Intruders, by Mohale Mashigo. Cape Times, 4 janvier 2019.
Samanga, Rufaro. “Mohale Mashigo’s Electric Afro-Futuristic Offering, Intruders, Centers the Story of the Nobody.” OkayAfrica, 17 décembre 2018.
Sosibo, Kwanele. “An iconoclast gets kitted out for new terrain.” Mail and Guardian, 5 octobre 2018.
Sur le roman The Yearning (2016) et la littérature sud-africaine d’aujourd’hui
Lory, Georges. ” [Du côté de chez Mandela] – Magique Mashigo.” RFI, 13 novembre 2018.
Malec, Jennifer. “[Conversation Issue] ‘We bury our stories and wonder why we are in so much pain’—Mohale Mashigo talks to Jennifer Malec about The Yearning.” The Johannesburg Review of Books, 15 janvier 2018.
Matika, Simone. “The Yearning that makes you question your dreams.” The Daily Vox, 20 mai 2016.
Mbao, Wamuwi. “Stop going back to the farm: Celebrating the strong voices trying to pull South African fiction out of its self-indulgent swamp.” The Sunday Times, 6 juin 2016.
Van Wyk, Cindy, “The Yearning: simple magic.” The Namibian, 12 juillet 2016.
“‘The Yearning’ – A Story about Healing in a Fractured Society.” The Witness, 15 mars 2018.
“The Yearning is ready for round two as it gears up for its second print run.” Mail and Guardian, 12 août 2016.
Sur le numéro audio Black Panther: Sins of the King [voir deux épisodes ici]
LiteraryJoe. ‘BLACK PANTHER Exclusive: Mohale Mashigo Discusses Writing The Women Of Wakanda For SINS OF THE KING.’ ComicBookMovie.com, 2 février 2020.
—. ‘BLACK PANTHER Exclusive: Writers Explain How Chadwick Boseman’s Portrayal Inspired SINS OF THE KING.’ ComicBookMovie.com, 17 Feb. 2021.
Pulliam-Moore, Charles. “Black Panther: Sins of the King Blurs the Line between Life and Death.” kotaku.com.au, 12 février 2021.
Vidéos et podcasts
Afternoon Express, “SA Authors Dudu Dube│Mohale Mashigo│Afternoon Express #237│10 mai 2016.” YouTube, 10 mai 2016.
BET A-List, “MOHALE MASHIGO.” YouTube, uploaded by Kgotso Malatse, 12 mars 2018.
“Black Panther with Writer and Singer Mohale Mashigo.” Literary Joe’s Inner Child Podcast, 9 février 2021.
The Cheeky Natives. "Mohale Mashigo : Intruders." Podcast, 1 h 09 min, YouTube, 25 février 2024.
The Cheeky Natives. "Mohale Mashigo : The Yearning." Podcast, 56' 53'', YouTube, 25 février 2024.
Expresso Show, “Women’s month: Mohale Mashigo.” YouTube, août 2016.
Griots and Galaxies. ‘Mohale Mashigo.’ Podcast de la série The Imagination Desk, 53’35’’, 11 mars 2023.
Jellars, Janine, and Tshego Senne, présentateurs. “Frank Episode 17: Mohale Mashigo, The Yearning.” Frank, with J and T, épisode 17, 2016.
Keitumetsi Nokusa Binda, Thandolwethu. “Reviewing: Intruders by Mohale Mashigo.” Just Reading with Thandolwethu, Spotify, novembre 2020.
"Les nouveaux chemins d’écriture dans la littérature sud-africaine." Interview avec Georges Lory, podcast, 4'11'', RFI, 2 juin 2024.
Magic 828 AM. “Queen of the Night: Carol Mashigo from Magic828AM.” YouTube, mis en ligne par Magic828AM Music Radio, 31 octobre 2016.
Mail and Guardian, “Mohale Mashigo on all things books.” YouTube, 15 octobre 2018.
Sur Black Porcelain – chansons de Mohale Mashigo
“Black Porcelain’s Invincible Summer Review.” Soulified, 27 février 2013.
“‘Surround yourself with women who support you’- Black Porcelain.” W24, 16 août 2016.
Vidéos et musique
Black Porcelain, “Black Porcelain in Studio.” YouTube, 7 mars 2011.
Black Porcelain. “Butterflies (DJ Zinhle Remix).” Soundcloud, 2 Witches Music, 2011.
Bibliographie compilée par Delphine Rapenne, M1 Mondes Anglophones (Livres, Textes, Matérialités)