Mark SaFranko à Fameck

Auteur lié
Mark SaFranko


14 décembre 2018

Programme de la journée


Arrivée et accueil des participants (café, jus d’orange, escargot/Schneck/ pain aux raisins)


Mise en scène d’un extrait de The Suicide par les lycéens. Moment musical, quatre lycéennes ont chanté deux chansons du répertoire de Mark SaFranko qui les accompagnait à la guitare.


Echange autour de l’œuvre de l’auteur

Pause déjeuner



Questions réponses sur la nouvelle Cream et l’écriture de la part des Terminales L.


Atelier d’écriture


Réponses aux lycéens

‘The short story "Cream" is unusual, I read a newspaper article about someone who had tried to poison his office mates. Usually, I observe and think of everything that’s around me, and then I write it down in my notebooks.’

‘For me, writing is a disease, a means of survival. I feel bad if I don’t do it.’

‘All my characters are me in a way, each of them represents a part of my personality. The more despicable they are, the more I love them.’

‘How I work? I get tired of works, then I stop and change. “Works of art never get fulfilled, but abandoned” Leonardo DaVinci said. In a sense, I never know what I’m doing, I just hope what’s coming out will be good. I learn through models. I’m an American, but I’m a French writer.’

‘My first book was called The Old Cossack, it came out when I was 21, it sort of gave me the illusion I was talented. I became a writer because I haven’t thought of better.’

Les conseils de Mark SaFranko

‘Do anything even if it’s wrong. If you have half of something, you have nothing. Just let go, don’t think of anything as stupid. Often the best material you get comes out of this.’

‘Topic and instinct give the form. For example, I use dialogs to let the text breathe.’

‘Think of simple things  (what do people look like, where do they go?)’

‘Pick a familiar situation and describe something you can describe well.’

‘Think of plausible situations.’

‘Imagine yourself.’

‘Tease the reader, begin with interesting stuff.’

‘The best way to write, is to read variously.’

“Good writers copy, great writers steal”, T.S. Eliot

A vous de jouer !

Voici le scénario à partir duquel les élèves de Fameck ont dû rédiger une histoire. A vous de lire les conseils de l’auteur et de tenter votre chance ! Laissez votre histoire  dans les commentaires !

Someone is walking in the street, when they witness a crime. But they don’t do anything about it. Some time later, they see a call for witnesses. HOW DO THEY REACT? Use:

– Internal focalization

– 3rd person narrative

– present tense

Image à la une
Mark SaFranko au lycée St-Exupéry de Fameck